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TrailblazerDX ’23: Salesforce Announces Long-Anticipated API-Only Licenses

TrailblazerDX is one of the major annual Salesforce events that connects Salesforce developers, admins, and architects for learning and networking. At TrailblazerDX ‘23, we anticipated the presentation of EinsteinGPT above all. Yet we have had our share of pleasant surprises.

During the True to the Core event, new Salesforce Integration user licenses were announced. In this article, we explain why this is great news and how to get free licenses.

What Is a Salesforce Integration 
User License?

The Salesforce Integration user license is the API-only type of license designed for 3d party integrations. 

With these licenses, companies can restrict each user to a unique subset of data and stick to the “1 user-1 integration” rule for better control over processes and improved traceability. 

How Will It Work?

Salesforce Integration user licenses will be available after March 14, 2023, by default in: 

  •  Enterprise, Unlimited, and Performance Edition org: 5 free licenses in each org, 
  •  Developer Edition org: 1 free license in each org. 

 To start, assign new licenses to new or existing users, and assign the API Only profile to ensure that the user will have limited access. For more info, check the official Salesforce documentation.


The announcement has received a warm welcome from the community. Salesforce practitioners mentioned that small and mid-size companies, in particular, will benefit from new licenses and enhance data security.