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LexisNexis Fraud Check Integration for a Financial Services Company


Financial Services


Sales Cloud, Service Cloud




A global financial company that helps businesses spend less by providing corporate payment solutions and payment cards.


As their operations expanded, the Customer’s faced an increasing risk of fraudulent activities. Protecting sensitive financial data while ensuring a smooth customer experience became a top priority. Gradually, the company faced the need to implement a fraud risk scoring solution based on email intelligence into their Salesforce instance. 

As a result, the Customer approached ENWAY for the integration.


The ENWAY team has performed a successful integration of LexisNexis fraud risk-scoring solution with the Customer’s Salesforce org and Salesforce-based order forms using the LexisNexis API.

How it Works: When the customer’s clients apply for credit, they fill out the form, which includes providing their email address. Once the form is submitted, LexisNexis provides a risk-level response that triggers automated decision logic. Also, LexisNexis generates a summary report in PDF format. This report is automatically linked to the corresponding Salesforce Opportunity record and is sent directly to the sales manager’s email. With the detailed insights provided in the report, managers can make informed, data-driven decisions regarding the client’s application and assess potential fraud risks.


The integration of the LexisNexis anti-fraud solution significantly enhanced the Customer’s ability to detect and prevent fraudulent activities. The solution’s seamless integration with their Salesforce forms meant that customers experienced no disruption in service, preserving the company’s commitment to providing a smooth user experience. Overall, the company saw a marked reduction in fraud-related incidents, contributing to increased trust and security for its clients.

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